A Parish within North East Hampshire Pastoral Area
Bringing people closer to Jesus Christ through His Church

Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth
Parish Office
Parish Office
The Parish Office is now located within St Joseph's Parish Hall and is normally open between 10am and 12 Noon on weekdays. Our Parish Administrator is Debbie May.
At other times, please email the office or telephone the parish number: 01252 320956. If you need to leave a message on the parish answerphone please remember to leave your telephone number so we can call you back. If you need to contact a priest in case of emergency, and Fr Rob isn't at home, please contact one of the other local priests.
Please e-mail the Parish Office for general enquiries.
Parish Hall
Contact the Parish Office for booking enquiries.
Please donate
Please consider setting up a regular payment to the parish or donate to our fundraising appeal via online banking Please visit our Donate page for more information.