A Parish within North East Hampshire Pastoral Area
Bringing people closer to Jesus Christ through His Church

Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth
Stable Giving
A message from Fr Rob...

I spoke to you 3 weeks ago about helping our parish by signing up for Gift Aid which gives our parish 25% extra on your donation for free. No strings attached!
Over the last few weeks, 33 have signed a Gift Aid Declaration form in addition to the 9 parishioners who had previously signed up. I thank you all for your commitment to our parish.
If you haven’t done so yet, could you consider signing the form today?
This is such an easy way to receive 25% more income for our parish without any effect on your own finances.
Regular Giving...
So: the second message I have for you is to move to regular giving direct into the parish bank account, if you don’t already do so.
It helps me to plan work to the Church or to invest in catechetical programmes if I can predict with greater certainty how much income we will have every month.
Just think how much harder it would be for you to plan your finances, if you didn’t know how much salary or pension you will get every week or month.
We know that finances change, so completing a standing order form doesn’t lock you into paying the same amount every month for ever. You can stop your commitment to our parish at any time or change the amount: up or down.
But certainty and predictability will help our parish.
Please consider signing a standing order form today. They are available at the back of the church or download one here.

Finance Fact Sheet...
Very soon I will be able to give you a Finance Fact Sheet which will show you in some detail our parishes income and expenditure over the first Six months of our financial year (September to August).
This will be the first of a regular update to you so that you know where we are in recovering our parish and making it a sustainable and thriving community.
This is part of my promise to you to be clear and transparent about our finances.
Ways to Give...
You can set up a Standing Order by completing this form.
You can make a one-off payment or set up a regular payment through online banking, using your name as a reference. Our bank details are:
Account name: CDP Aldershot St Joseph
Account No. 00873072
Sort Code: 30-93-04
You can donate by debit or credit card online by clicking here.